Monday, November 15, 2010

A word is a word.

I remember the first time I ever sat down and wrote something. Honestly, I had nothing to say. I didn't know where the blank page in front of me would take me, but I knew I needed to go there. I wrote a letter to God. I was twelve years old. Ever since that day, I have found my words through writing. I can type an entire page, with some good meaning... and erase it. See, to me, writing is my way of communication. I feel that the thoughts which run through my head when I'm alone, are the key thoughts in my soul. I don't know where this is going to take me, but I know I need to go there. Words are such a meaningful thing, and if you know me at all, you know I use them a lot. I use words to explain everything. Every feeling. Every thought. Every emotion. Every memory. Every pain. Every smile. Everything. Words are crucial, because sometimes, if you don't use them at all... you lose it all. Words can break a heart, mend it back together... sometimes words can even mean a miracle. It's the words that you don't say, that are the ones you usually need to. It's kind of like the quote "get your heart, to tell your mind, to tell your mouth what it needs to say." A lot of times, what's in your heart, doesn't come out through your mouth. There are words that define me, and words I define myself by. Words are important, but it's your actions that mean more. How often do we hear people say something, yet they never follow through? In the old days, your word was all you had. It doesn't matter what you say, it doesn't matter what you believe with everything inside of you that you mean... unless you act upon it. It's kind of like your relationship with Christ. You can say He is Lord all you want, because pretty much everyone knows He is... but it's your actions that determine whether you believe this or not. I attended a funeral for a woman I didn't know, because of a very important person in my life that needed me there. I did not know this woman, but the way she was spoken of made me tear up. When I die, I don't want people to say "wow, she was great with words." I want people to say "wow, she was great with actions." Words on paper, or computers, or memories all get lost. But your actions, things you do, the way you move, are things that go on forever in not only your own life, but in other's lives. This past summer, I believed all of the words in the dictionary could change people's thoughts about me. I thought the promises I made, even if I didn't keep them, well that they were enough because I had at least promised someone. At the end of the day, people didn't want to be around me because they knew how it would end: broken promises and no actions. I have not completely mastered integrity, but I am working on it. Saying this, just kind of defeats everything. I can say it, but if I don't live it... it doesn't mean a thing. Words are important, and they can change someone's life. But actions are the defining point, because they can change the world. Have you ever thought about the things you've done to people, or said to them, that could change their entire life or world? Have you ever wondered why the people you love look at you out of hurt or anger? Is it always because of them? Is it because of unrealistic expectations on you? Is it because of something you did? I've found, that when people are mostly hurt by your words or actions, is when they needed to hear something different than what you said. Maybe they were in love with you, poured out their heart to you, but got nothing in return. Maybe they were your best friend, who was at the lowest point in their life, and you only saw their failures. Maybe their parents, when they needed an idea of greater love in their life, told them they were falling apart. There are so many situations in which words, and actions, define someone's guarded heart or guarded emotions. But there are times that words can break through the ice, and break through someone's pain, to love. Whatever words are used for, let your actions speak louder. Because at the end of the day; a word is a word and an action is an action. But would you rather someone tell you what they wanted to tell you, or show you? Even if it is a slap in the face, or a kiss on the lips... I promise that most likely, you will remember an action in 40 years, rather than the words someone said to you.

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