Saturday, November 20, 2010


Seagulls. They are some of the most beautiful creatures in the world. Why? Because of their wings. The way they take off, high above the sea. They are beautiful when they fly, because they are so free. People? Nope. We don’t get that luxury. We don’t get to fly. The fastest we get to go by ourselves, the freest we get to be, is when we run. Humans run all the time. They run from fears, from hopes, from love, from God, from themselves. Humans run. To fly, now that would be unthinkable. To be free is the last thing on our mind. See, I’ve always been a runner. I’ve been fascinated by the way the body moves, the way the mind works, the blood the body pumps when this happens. I run from everything. My fears. My hopes. Myself. My God. But one thing I haven’t done lately is run from love. I’m sitting on the beach right now in the exact spot that last time I was here, so was the one thing that’s kept me standing still. Today, I finally faced God, myself, and my fears. I walked about 8 miles on the beach today; crying, praying, begging, searching for something... But alI found was an idea. I wrote on two pieces of paper, two entirely different things. I wrote a letter to God, and a letter to the person I’ve stood still for. The second letter was the first I got rid of. It held all of my thoughts, feelings, pain, happiness, and love for this person. I ripped it up, until there was nothing really left. I lifted my hands and threw the pieces in air, they landed in the ocean. I watched the waves take them over... and then I walked away. See that’s the funny things about fears; when you finally face them, it’s usually when you've already overcome them. My letter to God contained scariness, heartache, pain, joy, sorrow, disappointment, and love for Him.  This one meant a little bit more to me, see, because He is my creator. He loves me more than I can love myself. I dug a hole in the sand, not far from where I threw the first one, and buried it. I hope one day, someone finds that letter. I hope it changes their world. If not, I pray that it becomes one with the sand. That it gets swept into the ocean. That way, one day, it can truly be evaporated and in the air, with Jesus. I believe deep down in my soul, my fears have been overcome. Somewhere, I have faced the world. It’s just up to me to listen, and find that place. I wrote my biggest fear in the sand, and watched it was away. This time, I ran away. But I don’t want to run anymore. I want to fly. My hopes are the only thing I have left to discuss with you, before my final words on this page are done. “But I have hope in God” are the words I wrote in the sand, near the edge of the road so it wouldn’t get washed away anytime soon. See, hopes are funny too... they can sometimes be the things you feared. Seagulls get that. They dive into the water hoping to get a fish, but they would rather be soaring. They land on shore hoping to be left alone. Seagulls are so lucky, they get to fly. But I believe, when you become one with the world, God, and yourself... you look around, and your feet are off the ground. And even the seagulls can't touch you.

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