Friday, August 6, 2010

Marilyn with her red lips.

"I believe that everything happens for a reason. People change so that you can learn to let go, things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right, you believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself, and sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together." 
 Marilyn Monroe

Ahh, the famous Marilyn Monroe. She was such a lost woman, but she spoke so many truths. Everything happens, because you are supposed to learn something from it. Only strong people don't make the same mistakes, and can truly learn. I hear so often, "why do things change?" Well, they change, so that you can learn about yourself and how much strength you have. If the world stayed the same, it wouldn't be only boring, but we would get no where. Things go wrong all the time, in everyone's world. It's just how it is. But things go wrong, so you can look back and appreciate the time spent when it was going good. Or so that the next time, you can take it all in and enjoy it when it's right. We all believe lies. But "a wise woman listens, but doesn't believe." Friends, guys, girls, parents, family, babies... everyone lies. You just have to not only figure out the truths, but know the only people you can trust are yourself and God. Good things fall apart, so better things can fall together. Yes, because when you have good, why would you settle? Why not strive for the best? If it's one thing I've learned this summer, especially for girls... don't settle for good, when you deserve the best. Girls you deserve a guy who only sees you when you walk into the room. A guy who knows where he wants to go in life, and is running after that. A guy, no matter how many girls he's had before you, doesn't even remember their names when he's with you. A guy who would crawl over broken glass, just to see you smile. A guy who knows that even though he has never met every other woman in the world, you are the only one that mattes. A guy who doesn't treat you like a queen, but like Christ treated the church and loved it. Don't settle for a man who treats you anything less than the world. When you begin to care about someone more than they care about you, get out. No matter what. It may be the hardest thing you ever have to do. But Christ died for us, and yes as the church, we love Jesus... but we could never love him as much as he's loved us. You deserve for the man to be Christ, and to love you more than you love him. So often I see girls, myself included, that settle with heartbreak. Everyone is gonna break your heart at one time. It's when your heart is broken, that you truly find who you are. You find out what you're made of. And if you can find happiness in all of that sadness, then you are a strong person. And friends. Why do we settle for friends? Bad friendships fall apart, so we can find someone else to stand beside. I've lost so many friends through the middle school and high school years... but you deserve a friend who would drive across town and be there at 4 in the morning, if you just needed someone to talk to. A friend that puts themselves first, because we are human we all do it, but allows you to be first sometimes. A friend that keeps your secrets when they should be kept. You deserve a friend who will stand beside you in the rain. You know, friendships and relationships are the hardest things. You've just got to find someone worth all of the pain. Pain pushes you on. There are many types of pains. But it's back to the lies. You've got to figure out for yourself what type of pain is worth enduring, or what type is the kind we are meant to let go. When you finally let go of the pain, begin to see appreciate things when they are right, trust only yourself, and know that better things come from good things aftermath... when you do all of these things, you realize Marilyn Monroe may have been lost, but she got it right.

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