Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Rearview mirror.

Have you ever wondered where you are going? Who you are going to become? I think that all of those questions are and aren't determined by where you've been. I think you must learn from your past. I think you must not let it define you. Over the past year, I have realized not only how strong I am, but how strong the Lord is. I've given up my body, I lost myself, God found me, I've lost friends, had my heart broken, fallen for a boy, met people who believe in me, I fought Him for the longest time, my home life has fallen apart and I've been faced with who I am. I've also been faced with who I need to be. There are two different kinds of people in this life. One's that look out the windshield and one's that stare into the rearview mirror. I've found that the windshield is bigger for a reason, because you must look forward. I've waited for 17 years to become as strong as I am now. The thing about it? God and I can only grow stronger from here. Heart break does a funny thing to you. Friendship does a funny thing to you. Family does a funny thing to you. But love, now that's where it's at. It's when you selfishly love something, that you don't let it go. When you love something, that be a person or thing or God, somehow it always finds it's way back to you. If it doesn't, then at least you had a moment where the world was yours and that person, thing or God's. It was just the two of you. When the world is at your feet and you care about something, no matter how much it hurts, jump. Jump into God. Jump into the unknown. Jump into happiness. Jump into loneliness. Jump into sadness. Jump into hope. Jump into yourself. When you jump, it doesn't matter where you fall, what gets broken, what hits you in the face on the way down... all that matters is that you took a chance. If you don't take chances, are you ever going to get anywhere in life? You can scream, you can cry, you can even close your eyes... but you'll land somewhere. When you jump, aim for the sun. You may land among the clouds, but at least there you can dream. When you fall, God will catch you. If you hit the pavement, at least you made your mark. The world is rough. But the world without the Lord is rougher. I've found that I love flying. I love jumping into the unknown. I love, that no matter what I've done or who I've been, there is still an unknown. A day to change it all. A day to start over. There is nothing you can do tomorrow, that you can't do today. I believe that Jesus walks beside you, but his favorite thing to do is to leap into faith with you. I know that he has leaped with me every time and I've landed safely. When I leap into faith without him, well it's not really faith, so I hit concrete. If I could tell everyone one thing, no matter all of the quotes I post, advice I give, or smiles I send your way, I would want to tell you this... You are you. No one else can define you. No one else knows your heart like you do. No one else knows your relationship with yourself or Jesus like you do. No one in this world can love you like you love yourself. It all comes down to how much you can love someone more than yourself. Whatever way that may be. Friendship, parents or a lover. It's when you can love those people more than yourself, that you take a leap, believe and know that no matter the broken bones, screams, tears, or eye closing... You will land, smile and say that was one heck of a ride.

1 comment:

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